Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Win a School Visit From Author, Tom Palmer!

Class Writing Competition celebrating the publication of Ghost Stadium by Tom Palmer

We've got wind of a competition for schools to win a visit from children's author, Tom Palmer. Read about his visit to last year's Manchester Literature Festival's Family Reading Day here and learn about the fun he brings to a room. 

Details of the competition can be found below, and good luck!

From the Tom Palmer website:

'In the tradition of folk stories, have fun telling together and creating in the classroom a single piece of spooky creative writing. 

It could be either a story, cartoon, play script, film script or a poem. 

Please incorporate 10 of the words below from our Ghostly Wordsearch in your entry:
Angel / Apparition / Boo / Casper / Eerie / Fear / Fright / Ghost Ship / Ghost Train / 
Ghoul / Halloween / Hallucination / Haunted / Illusion / Imaginary / Mist / Nightmare / 
Phantasm / Phantom / Poltergeist / Shadow / Slime / Smoke / Smoky / Spectre / Spirit / Spook / Supernatural 

One entry per class teacher allowed. It should be legible/typed and roughly 500 words 
long. The visit will be on a mutually convenient date. 

Entries in by 17 July 2013. 

Email your entry with full details of your class, teacher and school to 

Good Luck'