Thursday, 5 November 2015

Schools Workshops: Human Rights

Dear People of the World (By Luke Mason, Year Nine, Bury Church of England High School)

Dear people of the world,

I believe that we are all equal as brothers and sisters. However, some of our family are in need of our help. Those unfortunate people do not have the privilege of education or safety like us. We need to give our friends back their basic rights for them to grow tall. From weeds to sunflowers. We need to join together as one community to help those less fortunate than ourselves.

If these people are left to suffer they will never reach their full potential.

We must light the way for the people by providing them with resources to build the future for themselves.

It is not a choice. It is our responsibility.

Dear Brothers and Sisters of the World (By Charlie Bradbury, Year Nine, Bury Church of England High School)

Dear brothers and sisters of the world,

We say every child has a right to an education but we never act on it. Around the world there are millions of children without a basic education. Together we can make a difference, together we can change the world. Let’s make the world a better place, give every child an education.

The world is an oyster waiting to be opened. A hidden gem waiting to be uncovered. All it needs is every child to have an education and the world will be a better place. Together we can help the children and develop our modern world. The children of our world will soon be the adults and will make the life changing decisions, but how will they make the informed choices without an education

Act now. Open the oyster.
Human Rights: Education First (By Dylan Birkett, Year Nine, St Bernard's)

School children sitting in the shade of an orchard in Afghanistan

Illiteracy is a problem which factors greatly throughout the world. It leads to poverty, lack of knowledge and, even in some cases, war. If we are taught as a child, we have the knowledge of what the world is like and what other peoples’ viewpoints are in many social issues and how they could be solved.

So if we have a right to education, why can’t those who are hit by wars and poverty have the same right to education?

Well they actually do, but in many countries around the world, this right is abused and mistreated with 61 million out of school and not getting a valuable education. And if 61 million children are not getting an education now, that means there will be 61 million people who will be unemployed or unemployable in the future which is something that no one here wants or desires.

I encourage all witnessing this to help stand up against poverty, injustice, illiteracy and ignorance. Stand up for all those who are not getting a proper education. Because, in all reality, our brain could be the most important weapon we possess when it comes to a war; and education is the only solution to make sure that it is used to the fullest of its potential.

We need to put education first.

The Miracle of Literacy (By George Keevil, Year Eight, Ulverston Victoria High School)

The miracle of literacy is the most important thing on this planet. Without it, the world would be a primate, barren wasteland with no method of communication. There would be no civilisation or order. Mathematics is essential for the technological advancement of the human race. Without it we would all still be living in mud huts fighting each other with spears. Learning about our history is important to our culture and our ancestors. We can look back on previous mistakes and make sure we do not make them.

And where do we acquire these things? Education. Education has made civilisation what it is now. From living in caves to travelling into space. Without any kind of education we would not be able to do anything other than live like wild animals. We must stop the pointless obstacles that block our path to learning and a future.

Is war necessary? If your ideas are so different to someone else’s, just don’t get involved with them. Do not start fighting; because not only will many people be killed, but lives get ruined by conflict.

What are we without Education? (Hannah Bethell, Year Eight, Furness Academy)
Child Labour in Africa
What are we without education? No work, no money, no life.

We will be trapped in a non-existent world where the number of child marriages rises and the number of educated people decreases.

In our current state, 61 million children are without a school to attend; this figure is growing incredibly fast. They don’t have a voice and therefore don’t have the courage to let their thoughts be herd.

No work, no money, no life.
It is not right and should not be pushed aside lightly.

We can help. We will help now.

No ‘buts’, no ‘ifs’. This is the time to give them your hand. This is the time to lead them through poverty – To lead them to the right place. To show them how amazing life can be.

No poverty, no pain, no pressure.
What is the Key to a Happy Life? (Cameron Pollock, Year Seven, St Bernard's)

What is the key to a happy life? Education. So why do so many us not have it? We take school for granted but it is a gift for some people who began without it. Education is a key; a key for a future to live on. So why do too many not have it?

We are forgetting the children of our world, the supports of the world. Do not support them, and eventually we will all crumble into dust.

Imagine what we would be without education. Thoughtless creatures guided by instinct. Where did we get the knowledge to build the skyscrapers, pyramids, the colour run? Education.

The life of all the 61,000,000 uneducated children in the world can be changed by our voices. Only we can change their future.
Dreams (Katherine Cummins, Year Seven, Wellington School)
People around the world have dreams that they can only achieve through education. But 61,000,000 of children in the world are forced to leave school and work at a young age everyone has to have the right to learn and do whatever they want. No one can stop them. We have the right to learn how to read, write and enjoy life through education. And you are supposed to help us do that, not stop us. We will fight for our education and we won’t give it up. This is the only way we can achieve our dreams. Everyone deserves to go to school. If you were in our position and you have a dream that you really want to achieve, what would you do? Would you fight for your education and achieve that dream? Or will you give it up? We won’t give up our education because it is the most important thing for us. No one can stop us from learning and achieving our dreams.

The Importance of Education (Brandon Stevens, Year Seven, Wellington School)

Education is the most important part of a child’s life. If children don’t have education they might not know what to do in life. Millions of children don’t have an education, they are not going to have a very good future. Everyone has the right to an education. Help children all around the world to have a good education.

61,000,000 children don’t have an education or any human rights. Children are forced into marriage and forced to be soldiers. No child should be forced into anything, they should be able to do what they want when they want like every other human that has the rights to do this.

I think every child in the world should have the exact same education and human rights as me. Every year more and more children will suffer and more and more children will have the same education and human rights as me.
All with a Beating Heart (Leah White, Bury Church of England High School)
All with a beating heart
A keen mind eager to learn
Not guns, or violence or poverty
It’s education we yearn.
So many young brides
All with a future ahead
Taking their vows, making false promises
None of them ever read.
We’re made to shoot and kill and hurt
No end to the torture in sight
Just wanting to read and learn
Just wanting to write.
You cannot take our freedom
You cannot take our right
We will stand up to you
We will win this fight.

65 Million and Rising (Martha, Year Nine, Furness Academy)

61 million and rising. The amount of children in the world who, despite a right to education, are receiving none.

61 million and rising. The amount of children who will not be able to support themselves, let alone a family.

61 million and rising. The amount of children who could find themselves trapped in hell if we do not do something about it.

61 million and rising. The amount of lives that could suffer under the weight of being alone.

We can give them someone.

We can give them a reply to their cry for help.

We can give them the rope to escape this lonely cavern.

So why aren’t we?

It would take almost nothing to give them everything.

There is nothing more important than human rights. Nothing.

So why are we busy gambling and betting and complaining,

When 61 million and rising,


With no voice, how can these children make themselves heard?